
Client Attraction with Maria C. Hall

Ignite Business Coaching

Maria's program is fueled by a passion to ignite fires for her clients. Her 30+ years of experience building and managing money-making businesses provides valuable insight into business strategy.

In this first episode of Websuasion Conversation, we discuss networking, client attraction, and business fears.

Client Attraction with Maria C. Hall

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Maria tells us about her background in the insurance industry and when she knew she was ready to reinvent herself as a business coach.

Self Promotion

Maria discusses the challenge of self promotion when starting your own business.

Telling Client Stories

Maria talks about telling client stories to make a more powerful connection to your prospects.

Finding Your Niche

Maria discusses finding your business "super power" and identifying your ideal client.

Picking Your Focus Niche

Maria tells us how she gets her clients to focus on one thing they do best to maximize their impact.

Chambers of Commerce

Maria discusses her long experience with Chambers of Commerce and why they are beneficial to small businesses.

6 Figure Success

Maria tells us about her free monthly workshop called "6 Figure Success Club".

Establishing A Sales Mindset

Maria discusses the tendency for business owners to avoid thinking about sales and how they must shift their thinking to succeed.

Building Relationships Instead of Selling

Maria suggests a focus on relationship building over delivering the sales pitch when networking.

Establishing Networking Goals

Maria shares her insights into setting goals for networking events.

Client Attraction Bootcamp

Maria discusses her Client Attraction Bootcamp.

Working Beyond Business Fears

Maria gives tips on how to overcome your business fears and anxieties.

5 Improvements To Your Metrics

This week's homework is for you to identify 5 places in your business that you could improve your data collection. Think about all the points you, your staff, or your customer interact with your business. Which touch technology like your website or mobile apps? What would you love to know more about in your business?

5 Improvements To Your Metrics

Let's Talk!

"Data. Tech. Team." Those are the words we live by at websuasion. Our services foster growth and scalability for your business - all while maintaining your brand. We are an indispensable ally for you as you navigate online marketing. Let's talk. We'd love to know more about what you do and how we can solve your pain points.

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Robert Burroughs of Sionic

They Stood Out Because Of Their Expertise And Understanding Of Our Needs

Their efforts improved the flexibility and efficiency of the portal project by removing thousands of lines of code, and their web development has bolstered the company’s public image. They stood out because of their expertise and understanding of our needs and really seemed like a good fit. After they had been doing website design for a year or two, we tapped their resources for the development of the merchant portal, because it was easier than introducing a whole new partner to our business model. From a marketing standpoint, their work has been hugely beneficial to our public image and has expanded our reach for potential partnerships and future business. On the development of the merchant portal, their work this year eliminated several thousand lines of code, which will enable new features and functionality to be added much more efficiently. Websuasion is very responsive, easy to work with, and is typically on top of any tasks we need within the timelines we provide. We see Websuasion more as a partner than a vendor because they consistently provide ideas and suggestions to improve our processes and products, rather than simply taking our specifications verbatim and churning out code.

Robert Burroughs of Sionic